
Created by Neil O'Toole. Updated 2003/07/25.


NotifyingCollections requires a recent (development) Apache collections.jar (~1MB)


NotifyingCollections is a decorator package that provides event-based notification functionality for the Collections API. Decorators are provided for Collection, List, Set, SortedSet, Bag, SortedBag, Map and SortedMap. The iterators and sub-views (e.g. List#subList) are also first class decorators (and are fail-fast). All of the decorator classes implement the NotifyingDecorator interface, which provides common functionality for managing listeners (adding, removing, etc.).

A collection is decorated using the usual static method pattern, e.g.:

 NotifyingCollection nc =
    NotifyingCollectionsUtils.notifyingCollection( c );

There are two types of listeners. A 'post-listener' implements the CollectionListener interface, and it receives a CollectionEvent after the actual modification has occurred (hence the 'post' in 'post-listener').

public interface CollectionListener extends EventListener
   void collectionEventOccurred(CollectionEvent event);

A 'pre-listener' implements the VetoingCollectionListener interface, and it receives an event before the modification occurs. This gives the pre-listener a chance to veto the proposed modification before it actually happens.

public interface VetoingCollectionListener extends EventListener
  * @throws ModificationVetoException to indicate that the
  *  proposed event should be vetoed.

   void vetoableModificationOccurring( ModifyingEvent event );

A notifying decorator can be configured to support either or both of these listener mechanisms.

The base event type fired by NotifyingCollections is CollectionEvent. This has two subclasses, ModifyingEvent and NonModifyingEvent. Instances of NonModifyingEvent are fired only in exceptional circumstances, i.e. when a listener vetoes a modification (ModificationVetoEvent), or when an exception occurs during an operation on the decorated collection (CollectionExceptionEvent). Normal collection operations result in instances of ModifyingEvent being fired.

ModifyingEvent provides limited information about the event (actually just the size of the collection before and after the modification). Subclasses of ModifyingEvent (which is an abstract class) can choose to provide as much or as little detail as desired. This capability is provided through the use of a pluggable "event package". The author of an event package implements one or many of the event factory interfaces defined by NotifyingCollections (one for each main collection type). Clients using this event package then pass an instance of such an event factory to the decorator factory methods in NotifyingCollectionsUtils.

NotifyingCollections includes two** event package implementations, 'simple' and 'rich'. SimpleCollectionEvent is fast and light, and does not provide additional functionality above and beyond that specified by ModifyingEvent. RichCollectionEvent is a heavyweight implementation. It has an event hierarchy (i.e. AddEvent, RemoveEvent etc.), and significant additional functionality. In particular, RichCollectionEvent implements the ReplayableEvent interface. This interface defines two operations, #replay and #undo, which enable an event's actions to be replayed (or undone) on the decorated collection, or on any arbitrary target collection. In effect, RichCollectionEvent (or any event package implementing ReplayableEvent can capture the entire history of a collection, and can be used to roll back a collection to any of its previous states. This is a powerful facility.

** The current build includes a third event package ('monolithic'), which illustrates some of the limitations of dispensing with an event hierarchy and using a single event class to capture rich mixed-type data.

FAQ, Comments, Responses

>> How much information about the collection modification can an event capture?

Just about everything. For any given method, the fired event can access:

>> 2) The event dispatch sometimes assumes too much. For example the List addAll() method validates the index as being in range, but the LazyList implementation expects out of range indices. The modCount in the iterators could face the same problem.

This issue didn't occur to me earlier in development as I had not considered the case of contract violators such as LazyList. And in fact the explicit range checks by NotifyingList are superfluous as the decorated list will eventually throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException anyway. The offending code has been removed and LazyList should work fine now (though I have not tested against it).

>> 3) Similar to (2), the boolean result flag cannot be relied on to give accurate results as to whether the collection has changed.

Quite correct. The result flag is no longer relied upon - the event is fired regardless of the result value. Again thank you for the pointer.

>> 1) I dislike that a new instance of the event factory has to be created for each collection. The factory should be capable of being shared. This can be done by passing the init() parameters to each of the other methods.

This is one point on which I disagree with Stephen. Indeed a new instance of the appropriate event factory is referenced by each decorator instance. This instance is initialized with references to the decorator and the decorated collection. I do not consider this to be significant in terms of storage (in the context of the number of objects/events likely to be generated by the decorator). The alternative (as suggested above) is to pass these instances with each call to the factory, i.e. one call per event. This means that a method like this:

 public ModifyingEvent createAddEvent(Object addItem);


 public ModifyingEvent createAddEvent(
  NotifyingCollection decorator,
  Collection backing,
  Object addItem);

or maybe even something like this:

 public ModifyingEvent createAddEvent(
  NotifyingList decorator,
  List backing,
  Object addItem,
  int index);

This essentially returns us to the days of procedural programming, in the name of unproven optimization. Though I have not run any comparative tests, it's questionable if in an intensive session (where thousands or millions of events are produced in seconds) the saving in storage (two object references) is worth optimizing for, as it also introduces the additional overhead of pushing the same two object references onto the stack each time an event occurs. The optimization to rid ourselves of those superflous stack operations is to cache the two references in an object instance, i.e. the current implementation. And of course the existing implementation is cleaner and easier to understand and to code to, the usual benefits of object-oriented programming.

Also, some event factory implementations may have reasons to maintain state. For example, the 'rich' event package's ListEventFactory has a field indexOffset which is used to calculate the indices of sub-list elements relative to the master list. If the factory instance is shared it means that the indexOffset parameter would have to be passed in each time an event occurs (stack ops again), and it would also mean that ListEventFactory could not inherit from CollectionEventFactory as the indexOffset parameter would require changing the signatures of the methods inherited from CollectionEventFactory.

>> 4) What if I want vetoes to have no effect, rather than throw an exception?

While it would be very simple to provide a mechanism to disable veto exception throwing, to do so would result in a violation of the Collections API. Let's say we have an empty NotifyingCollection and we attempt to add an element 'a' as below, but this add operation gets vetoed by a VetoingCollectionListener.

 boolean result = nc.add( "a" ); // gets vetoed

The only thing we can do here is throw an exception, as the Collection#add doc is quite specific (my italics below):

... If a collection refuses to add a particular element for any reason other than that it already contains the element, it must throw an exception (rather than returning false). This preserves the invariant that a collection always contains the specified element after this call returns.

>> 6) There are a lot of classes to get your head around - its very OO.

The number of event classes is dependent upon the event package. The 'simple' event package has only one event class. I will agree that in the earlier releases of NotifyingCollections, the main event package was bloated, and probably didn't have the most useful semantics. It's been entirely rewritten, and is smaller and hopefully much improved now. Also, the factory classes are hidden away in subpackages to reduce the clutter (most users will never need to know anything about the factories). I hope you'll find the latest release are leaner and cleaner.

>> 5) It is quite hard to get info out about events. Typecasting is always needed.

Typecasting is an inevitable consequence of the flexible event system. Either we tie ourselves to one set of events, or there must be typecasting. I don't see this as a major problem - it is fair to say that users of the Collections API are well used to typecasting. Also, it should now be easier to 'get info', as the ModifyingEvent class (which is in the main package) now includes the most basic event info, i.e. the change in size caused by the event. (Previously one had to typecast to a specific event package implementation to get any useful information about the event, so this concern certainly was valid.)

>> Event data is theoretically flexible, but limited in practice. In particular, the post-event cannot contain a copy of the state of the collection, or the size before the change occurred.

This was true for earlier versions, but the design has been corrected (once again thanks for the assistance). Event data is now flexible and complete. (In particular see the ModifyingEvent#finalizeState mechanism.)

>> [NotifyingCollections is] unsuited to certain collections (e.g. LazyList)

This was because of explicit range checks in NotifyingList which turned out to be superflous, and have been removed.

>> Should give reasonable performance.

Performance depends upon the chosen event package. The default 'simple' package is lightning fast.